404 Error…

Back 40 Design 404 Error

It happens sometimes, a visitor types in the wrong URL, or someone linking to your site puts in the wrong hyperlink, or maybe just the page goes missing, but eventually someone going to your website is going to hit an error page. We all know its kind of frustrating because its happened to us at one time or another, and yet when you’re designing a website it can be the one page you never think of using for your benefit.

An entertaining or informative 404 page can be just as important as the content on your other pages. Designed carefully, it can keep the visitor on your website, help them look around and
find the information they initially came for.

An effective 404 error page should inform the visitor about what happened and help them find what the information they want with the use of a search field or a list of resources. Visiting a 404 page isn’t a pleasurable experience to the visitor but web designers can make it better with a little creativity and quality time to help your 404 page be memorable. Here are a couple of other 404 error pages that may inspire you:

Blizzard 404

Error 404