Back40 Design is growing. We’ve hired a new Designer and Account Executive—adding even more creativity and personality to our formidable team of web pros.
New Guy #1:
Meet Matt Flick, our new graphic designer, not to be confused with our pre-existing Matt Milburn, who is a front end developer (and just celebrated his four year anniversary at Back40).
“In my career as a designer I have been fortunate enough to design for both print and for web. I enjoy both for different reasons—in print you end up with a tactile piece that you can interact with on a physical level, and in web you get to work in a completely fluid environment. Both have their challenges and exciting potentials. At Back40 I get to work in the best of both worlds, which makes every day its own challenge and its own reward.”
He also well exceeded Back40’s minimum height requirement topping the charts at 6’8″ (we really don’t have a minimum height requirement because that would be wrong).
New Guy #2:
And, then there’s Brian (that rhymes with Ryan—our senior designer)
Brian Myers is our newest addition to Back40. He’s an outdoors enthusiast, which is lucky because he’s going to be spending a lot of time out of the office visiting clients as our new account executive.
“I came to Back40 to be back working in web—where I want to be. I’ve been watching for an opportunity at Back40 and I’m glad I’m here. It’s great to be working with web clients again. This is also an awesome way for me to take care of my family and fund my addiction for the great outdoors! The work-life balance I now have here has been incredible for my wife, our daughter and our little guy who is on the way.”
So give us a call. We’d love to help you with your project. All we ask is that you speak slowly and enunciate—we’ll do our best to connect you to the right person