Email newsletter subscription lists

Most of our clients like to stay connected to their website users, and for good reason – keeping in touch with visitors to your website can increase traffic and revenue – but communicating frequently without becoming a nuisance can be challenging. 


One of the first challenges your email newsletter may face is actually standing out from other emails. Having the ability to access easy-to-format templates is a great built-in benefit of using companies like Mailchimp and Constant Contact. Back40 Design can work with you to assist in designing a email newsletter template, matching your website branding, and integrated with your mailing list provider.

Here are some examples of custom designs we have done for our clients:

DonationPickup.orgIron Horse Newsletter


Once you have your readers attention with a great looking email newsletter, you can share updated content, sales, product promotions, customer appreciation, and more. A simple email newsletter may be the only reminder your users need to reconnect with your website. MailChimp and Constant Contact, mentioned above, offer key features and benefits to your email newsletters you can’t get from regular emails:

  • you can segment groups for more targeted messaging
  • measurement tools for tracking mailing list effectiveness
  • reduce the likelihood that your email message will be sent to a spam folder by staggering messages, rolling out emails gradually over a period of time
  • protects your email list from being abused or copied
  • simplifying the timing and order in which messages are sent
  • minimize the time spent managing email lists by allowing subscribers to easily cancel future emails


We integrate two low-cost providers as part of our web design services – MailChimp and Constant Contact – both have different levels of scalability, but provide relatively similar cost structures. We are always willing to integrate other options, so if there is a company you would like to use, ask and we will research integrating them into your Javelin website.

Although email newsletters can be a challenge, with the right design, features, and integration they can priceless in regards to website promotion.