Mobile Mania: Controlling the Craze

Are you like most
American cell phone users who are never more than 2 feet from their
phone? I bet you are – whether it’s in your pocket, in your purse, or
riding shotgun on your commute to work, we seem to feel naked without
our cell phone.

If you can’t leave home without it, then obviously the Mobile Movement has landed in Oklahoma. Is your company ready?

I hope so, because Mobile surfers spend less than 5 minutes on each
website seeking the exact information they want. If you don’t have a
Mobile-friendly website, then “on the go” Smart Phone users become
frustrated quickly.

Got a Flash website? Mobile probably can’t display it. Even a basic
website has too many words, and too many graphics for quick Mobile

When your website presents the wrong content, in the
wrong order, with slow downloads, potential customers will leave your
website in a hurry. Action items like “click to e-mail” or “touch to
call” are imperative.

For a free, personal assessment of how your company website is seen
on the latest Blackerry, Android, and iPhone devices, call 405-478-4080. Ask for JR Ross. Within 10 minutes, I can show you how to maximize your website for any
Smart Phone – including limited text, graphics, and scrolling.

Visit for Mobile-Friendly Website examples. Get educated. You won’t regret it.